Bio – Audrey Pendergast




St. George’s College, London
B.A., magna cum laude, The George Washington University

Professional Experience

Ms. Pendergast has worked in several countries: England, France, New Zealand, and the United States, beginning her career with The Financial Times in London, which transferred her to Paris to open its first business office in that city.  In New Zealand, she set up and ran an office for an oil and gas consultant to the New Zealand Government.  In the United States, she held several positions with National Demonstration Water Project and the Institute for Rural Water:  associate director, then director, for public information; publications director; and acting communications director.  At the National Academy of Sciences, she worked as an editor, writer, and staff officer for the Office of Information, the Office of Government and Public Affairs, and the Mathematical Sciences Education Board.  For a number of years, she has been a free-lance editor and writer working for various scientific, technical, and medical organizations in the Washington, DC area.

Other Volunteer Activities

Ms. Pendergast has served several terms on the board of directors of the Washington, DC branch of The English-Speaking Union, on its Program Committee, its Bylaws Committee, its Nominating Committee, and its English-in-Action Committee, for which she tutored foreigners in English for 25 years.  For several years, she was the editor of The English-Speaking Union’s newsletter.  She also has served for many years on a residential community committee.

A lover of classical music, she was part of several arts organizations.


Society for Technical Communication (several awards)
National Association of Government Communicators
International Association of Business Communicators
The English-Speaking Union Volunteer-of-the-Year Award