Strauss Lecture — 2014

Courtesy of Jan Z. Olsen and  Keyboarding Without Tears

Courtesy of
Jan Z. Olsen and
Keyboarding Without Tears

PARTNERS began the 2014-2015 season by paying homage to Richard Strauss on the occasion of his 150th birthday year.  An illuminating lecture by Sorab Modi and Colleen Faye on September 21, 2014 at the residence of Leilane and Barry Mehler gave an overview of the composer’s life and work.  The presentation focused on three areas:  Strauss’s vocal music, illustrated with excerpts from some of his songs, many of which were written for his wife and life-long muse, the soprano Pauline de Ahna, and concluding with Gundula Janowitz’s haunting rendition of Frühling, the first of the Four Last Songs; his tone poems, especially Don Juan and Thus Spake Zarathustra; and his operas, particularly Salome, Elektra, Der Rosenkavalier, and Capriccio.  Delicious and substantial refreshments fortified attendees between the two sessions of the talk.



Sorab Modi (left rear) and Colleen Fay (right)

